Friday, May 20, 2011


Regulate behavior at a poker table

  • Friday, May 20, 2011
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  • If we want to be the most ridiculous hand of the history of poker players or stay in a tournament with poker face, should consciously or the rules which in all tournaments, apply the offensichtlichSoftware of.

    Poker on line one comfort, the presents, is not to know it, the rules, because the computer says or anything does, automatically break tables, bypass the dealers, that but of course if one day we decided to go to a live tournament spielennicht are lost and disoriented in each stage of the same we must at least in a precise way to know the rules that are applicable in almost all tournaments of the world. This is the of each professional group that explores the rules, which Association (tournament), Association similar to dictates the TDA Director, develops and directs the classifications and trends in the area.

    Find out if we sit on our website on the case of the second letter, if we both letters despite the fact that with only we one the win to play, to know that what sends is the voice and some clarifications are not the action, that this regulation makes us to teach. But do not qualify you rules are they are above all tournaments for cash to for each Casino applies them with the properties or criteria which takes into account each institution and that no implicit questions of the game beeinflussenwelche in both cases are more than clear, if not on the behavior of the players at the tables and in the case.

    We start more everyday by the and that the online poker forward makes us work and more go more complex problems.

    Official language The standard of "Solo Inglés" are in the United States in the course of the hands. English will be used in international competitions together with the official language of the place.

    Communication Players can chat on the phone on the table poker. For the rest of electronic equipment the rules of the House.
    Draw the places - places are referred at random in tournaments and satellites. If possible, it will be justice players with special physical needs.

    Break table Players from a broken table to fill a seat assume rights and obligations of the position. Can big blind, small blind or button. The only place that the letters do not receive is between the small blind and the button.

    Balance - tables To balance tables at flop play, it is of the big blind players, to the worst position, including the big blind when it is available, even if this means that the rate is twice big blind transfer. The worst position is never the small blind. The table which moves a player, will be specified according to a set procedure. The game stops at a table that has three or more players of less.

    Letters Arriba (show down)- All the cards are shown in the hand disclosed provided that a player would be subtracted, as soon as the bets have completed.

    Showdown- At the end of the last round of betting, the player must of the last aggressive action in this round of betting (increase) made show his cards first. If it has been advised of any bets first your cards the player left of the button and a well on, according to the sense of the clock hands.

    Play the cards from the Board The player has the two-letter, inform, if you play with five cards from the table in order to collect his share of the pot.
    Has in his seat - be the player in their seats at the time that their initial cards have all players so that your hand alive. The player must be in their seats to ask for time.
    Action pending - the players at the table has remain if you have a live hand.

    Verbal statements / act in turn- The verbal statements a player at the time of your turn to act are binding. Players must act in turn. An action out of turn shall be binding, if the action has not changed in the direction of that player. Pass, call or throw the cards is not as an amendment to the measure.

    Ways for the upload In "No Limit" and "Pot Limit" play to the slopes (1) by all the chips in a single movement. or (2) before announcement of the total amount before you begin, put the chips in the pot; or (3) announcing the slope in front of the crowd in the pot to match, and then run the action in a second step. It is the responsibility of the player to make his intentions clear.

    Uploads- A raise must be at least the amount of previous uploads. If a player above makes but less than the minimum bet, raise, an increase of 50% or more of these you have to do a full boost. The increase will be exactly the minimum allowed. Options in the "no limit" games and "Pot Limit" a bet, that less than a full raise all-bet does not open for players who have already acted.

    The higher value - tab A single stone of higher value regarded as a "call" (match) if the player is not known that it solves. When he announces a card of higher value which places previous bet and a rise without a period of time, the increase in will be allowed up to the value of the tab. There is a first application with a single tab page, without any statement, the value of the tile as a bet from the "flop". To make a raise with a card of higher value, it is necessary, which it previously to announce the tab to touch the table.

    Multiple chips Except if announcement set a raise, with less than double multiple chips in the pot bet, which is facing is considered, that it corresponds to the bet above, if a file to withdraw is less than the bet, the player could have called.

    Chips on the table Players need the cards of higher value visible and identifiable at any time.

    Not obviously Players are obliged to protect the rest of the tournament players at any time. Therefore, the players, whether are in the hand as if not, they can not:

    Give you the contents of the letters of life or deleted.
    -Geben you Council yet you criticise the game at any time.
    Reading you a hand, not on the table was exposed to.

    Joaquín Parra ' QTT74' is a member of the Web team of POKER 28.2.2010WINTER

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